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Which program is suitable for my child?


Japanese 日文


Chinese 中文


Individualised Development Plan


Chinese 中文

Others 其他

Further studies aid

Interview 面試

GAPSK 普通話測試

CYLET 劍橋英語考試

IQ 智能

Social Relations 社交

Behavior 行為


Counceling 輔導

Dyslexia 讀寫問題

Emotion 情緒

Attention 專注力

Autism 自閉症

Behavior therapy 行為治療


Parenting 家長教育

Social Skills 社交技巧

Presentation 表達

Manners 禮儀

Discipline 守規

Self confidence 自信

Learning attitude and skills 學習方法與方法

Individualised Development Plan

學習有道 發展計劃

What is the Individualised Development Plan?
We set up the Individualised Development Plan to help individual child to plan an efficient target of learning and plan a program that is the most suitable for each of them. We highly emphasize on “tailor-making” the best program contents and learning outcomes for individual child because we believe that there is no “one suits all” program in the world. Even the children are in the same class, they could be doing different class work and learning different contents from other classmates because we prepare learning materials according to individual child’s own standard and their needs.
Each child has their own unique characteristics and needs and the most efficient way to help them improve is by the Individualised Development Plan.

何謂學習有道發展計劃 (個別兒童發展系統)?

We aim to provide tailor-made programs for children of different ages and needs. The following cases are some of the most commonly seen characteristics of children and the programs that suits correspondingly.


Case 1: Gifted child

個案1: 資優兒童

Suitable program:

You are recommended to meet our educational psychologists for a thorough assessment on whether your children are gifted. If the results are positive, you have to pay extra attention to them and do not waste their unique talents. Learn more about our Gifted Program now.


Case 2: Child's attention is very weak. Often not listening to anything others say. Not interested to the surroundings

個案2: 孩子的專注力很弱,別人說話時常常不留心,對周圍的環境也漠不關心。

Suitable Program: 
Meet our educational psychologists for a consultation and learn more about your children's needs. Our Emotions, Behaviors and Social Interactions Program may help your children to rebuild their attention and some interests.
Learn more about Emotions, Behaviors and Social Interactions Program now.

立即了解更多情緒 行為及社交小組的資料

Case 3: Autistic child

個案3: 自閉症孩子
Suitable Program
Autism should be faced positively and immediately. Meet our educational psychologists fo a consultation. Our psychologists will provide assessment and intervention service for you and your children and build up their communiation and social skills.


Learn more about our Educational Psychology

Assessment and Intervention now.



立即了解更多 教育心理評估及介入

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