MY English Program 英語系統課程
Taught and monitored by experts of education and psychology and native speakers
由教育心理專家 及 資深英語為母語程度導師監督及教導
Teaching methods are based on clinical data
以臨床數據 作教學方法指標
Free pre-course consultation to learn children's needs, design tailor-made program for individual child and as a result, improbe learning motivations
免費課前顧問服務 了解孩子的需要 為兒童度身訂造課程 提高學習動機
Help children's development in IQ and attention
Aim at an all-around development in children's ability to listen, speak, read and write English
注重 聽講 讀寫 全面發揮
We provide quality English learining expereince to beginners to advanced-levels learners. Focused on tailor-made English programs, your children could enjoy a flexible while effective learning to reach the target and increase their motivation to learn. You can let us know more about your children's needs and targets through the free initial consultation service we offer.

MY English Program
for kindergarten
英語系統 幼稚園課程
MY English Program for kindergarten 英語系統課程
Aims: 幼稚園課程目的:
Develop English ability in early ages and be prepared for the future
打好英語基礎, 迎接小一挑戰
Establish kids' all-round English ability to listen, speak, read and write by using long-lasting methods
運用有效持久的方法 聽講讀寫全面兼顧
Develop a positive and optimistic manner for kids
Features: 課程特色:
English-only environment 全英語環境
Focus on all-round development of English ability注重 聽講 讀寫 全面發揮
Class Schedule: Monday to Saturday 10:00am - 6:00 pm
Provide the most suitable course and schedule for your children after the free consultation
上課時間 :星期一至六 10:00 am– 6:00 pm

MY English Program
for primary and secondary
英語系統 中、小學課程
MY English Program – for primary and secondary 英語系統 中、小學課程
Takae care of both in and out school knowledge 校內, 校外全面兼顧
Learn in an effective while fun way 一個有效 愉快的學習模式
Children will read some passages, discuss and answer questions during every session with aid of our experienced tutors. They will then have some extension writing practise with the tutors.
As a result, children will grasp a better vocabulary knowledge and usage as well as correct use of grammar.
Listening: Able to listen carefully and understand
Speaking: Improve in expressing thoughts in English
Read: Increase interests in reading and speed.
Write: Grasp the writing styles, contents, organization, grammar usage and vocabulary spelling.
每課均由經驗導師引導 閱讀適合程度之文章, 討論及作答, 然後在導師指導下作伸寫作, 從而達到以下目標:
聽 : 注重 聽能力
講 : 提高英語表達能力
讀 : 提高閱讀興趣及速度
寫 : 掌握寫作形式, 內容, 組織, 準確運用文法及串字
Class Schedule: Monday to Saturday 10:00am - 6:00 pm
Provide the most suitable course and schedule for your children after the free consultation
上課時間 :星期一至六 10:00 am– 6:00 pm
Program Outline 課程大綱