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One Stop Service 一站式服務

We strive to provide comprehensive services to both children and parents in order to let children grow up in a healthy way.


MY TrAining Program - One-stop Service 一站式服務


1. Free initial consultation service

2. Choose the courses and time slots for your children


3. We organise your children's course schedule
中心專人代安排 貴子弟上課時間表


4. Regular Course
 常規 課程


5.  Follow-up


6. Certification of Completion


The One-stop Service we provide is vital for children's learning. All you have to do is to provide us your children's school and extra-curricular activities timetable and let our trainers arrange the most suitable class for you. Through our free initial consultation, we will tailor make a program for your kids with aid of the "Individualised Effective Learning & Development for aged 2-16 children". Most children learn languages and EQ together in My TrAining and their improvements are notable. This is also the answer to inconvenience in learning different things in different learning centres.

Individualised Development Plan (IDP)

for aged 2-16 children

What is the Individualised Development Plan?
We set up the Individualised Development Plan (IDP) to help individual child to plan an efficient target of learning and plan a program that is the most suitable for each of them. We highly emphasize on “tailor-making” the best program contents and learning outcomes for individual child because we believe that there is no “one suits all” program in the world. Even the children are in the same class, they could be doing different class work and learning different contents from other classmates because we prepare learning materials according to individual child’s own standard and their needs.
Each child has their own unique characteristics and needs and the most efficient way to help them improve is by the Individualised Effective Learning and Development Plan.


MY TrAining Program

Regular Program

Fun and Special Program

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