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Attention Program, Behavioral & Emotional Program and Social Skills Program

常規課程: <<提升專注力課程>> <<情緒及行為管理課程>> 及 <<社交技巧課程>>


My TrAining 兒童台如何幫助小朋友?以下各課程能夠令你的孩子成長,解決學習上不同的困難。





·  她的眼晴望物件或文字時,集中時間短,眼神易飄移離開物件或文字。

·  他的手常常要弄東弄西,分散自己的注意力。

·  他未能長時間維持良好坐姿。

·  他不能專注用神聽人說話,所以不能深入理解說話內容,常常回答:「不知道。」

·  他已經很努力,但成績總是不理想。

·  他很聰明,但是對讀書就一點兒也提不起勁!

·  他做事欠缺條理,無法好好進行不同的話動。

·  他末能長時間專注溫書和做功課。




·  我的兒子情緒一爆發如火山,小小的事情也會讓他不快。

·  我的小朋友十分衝動,會有破壊行爲,如打人,扔東西及尖叫。

·  很容易緊張,繼而大大影響各方面表現。

·  我的小朋友遇到挫折,就很快感氣餒及放棄。

·  我的小朋友很聰明,但很懶惰及缺學習動機。

·  多言的小女常常在壞心情時都是會抽離自己,或駁嘴,或是對人故意粗魯。

·  我的小朋友會有報復性行為。





·  兒子不懂得表達自己的情緒,也不懂得與人相處。

·  常常因爲害羞而影響社交,如眼不望人,躲在父母背後,又不直接答人問題。

·  在遊戲中經常打擾別人,令別人生厭。




·  全港獨有個別跟進課程,內容全面,設有讓其加速進步。

·  本課程由資深兒童教育心理學者精心設計。

·  設有開課前免費顧問服務,了解孩子的需要、家長的難處和親子的關係﹔為兒童度身訂 造課程,令其真正得益,加速進步。

·  採用活動式互動教學方法,循序漸進。

·  配合專家設計之遊戲、角色扮演、案件學習及討論等,讓兒童在不知不覺中自我增值。



*報名方法:請致電本中心2575 3880預約免費諮詢服務,然後安排合適課程及安排上課時間

How would ATTENTION, BEHAVIORAL & EMOTIONAL, SOCIAL SKILLS programs help your children?


Your children will achieve the followings in our relaxed learning environment:


Shape good characters and manners

Learn ways to communicate

Build social relationships

Deal with pressure and emotions

Learn time management skills

The above achievements are going to build your children’s confidence, self-improvement and face challenges in life in a brave manner.


Common Scenario

“My child feels frustration and gives up easily when he faces difficulties”

“My child doesn’t know how to express his emotions and get along with others.”

“My child had tried very hard and still not getting any good grades.”

”My child is very smart but doesn’t seem to be interested in studying.”

“My child has very low self-confidence, but too high self-esteem.”


Program features and introduction

  • The follow-up program for individual child is exclusive in Hong Kong

  • All-round contents to speed up the process of children

  • Program designed and executed by experienced children educational psychologists

  • Pre-program free consultation service to know more about children’s needs, parents’ difficulties and parent-child relationship in order to tailor-make a program for individual child. In this way, they will gain the most benefits and progress in a quicker way.

  • Activity-based interactive learning environment.

  • With aid of designed games, role play activities, case studies and discussion, etc, children will improve progressively and unwittingly.


Target: children aged 3 to 16

Program contents

Communicate better with others

Managing emotions, behaviors, self image, pressure and time

Social manners

Increase self-confidence

Practice self-esteem

Think positively

Learning attitude and method

Team spirit and dealing conflicts


*Please meet our consultants before choosing a class for your children for more recommendations and analysis.

Presentation 表達

Self confidence 自信

Attention 專注力

Autism 自閉症

Dyslexia 讀寫問題


Social Relations 社交

Learning attitude and skills 學習方法與方法

Discipline 守規

Manners 禮儀

Social Skills 社交技巧

Emotion 情緒

Parenting 家長教育

Behavior 行為

Counceling 輔導

Behavior therapy 行為治療


IQ 智能

© 2013 by My TrAining


Flat C,D 11/F
Prosperous Commercial Building
54-58 Jardine's Bazaar
Causeway Bay HK



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