Toddler Development Program (for 9 months - 3 years old)
How to toddlers get ready to be a good learner?
Important Classroom Routine and Manner
Sharing and Sense of Achievement
Speech Development
Social Skills Development
Important developmental milestone
Being a happy toddler and always expecting to learn
Important classroom routine and manner
Always engaging, helping each other, following the simple classroom rules, willing to take turns, willing to wait for others, willing to be patient and being nice to others re always our classroom routine and mortal.
常參與, 幫助別人, 跟隨簡單課室規則, 能夠輪流玩, 能等待, 有耐性及對人和善
Speech development
Object words, function words, length of sentence, using language to communicate
名詞, 動詞, 句子長度, 主動表達 及 利用語言溝通
Social Skills- Leaving good impression
Initiate to greet people warmly and happily, not interrupting when people talking, asking for help, accepting being rejected, waiting for their turns, lining up properly, rejecting people properly, good eye-contact and good manner.
社交技巧- 留下良好印象
主動開心與人打招呼, 有需要時懂要求, 接受被拒絕, 好好排隊, 有禮貌拒絕別人, 良好眼神接觸, 及良好禮貌
Sharing and sense of achievement
They enjoy sharing their work or their achievement with care-givers, friends and strangers. It will motivate their learning, sense of independence and greeting skills.
喜歡與家人, 朋友及其他人分享他們的成果或所成, 提高學習動機受獨立完成感
Being a happy toddler and always expecting to learn
They like to take part in the classroom routine. All the parents appreciate as the attention span and the listening skills of the kids are much better than before.
喜歡參與課室常規活動, 專注力及主動聆聽
Being a healthy-mind toddler
not afraid to try new things, not easily frustrated and willing to learn from mistake.
喜歡嘗試新事物, 從錯誤中學習, 不易因受挫而影響情況
Other important developmental milestone
fine-motor skills, social skills, play skills, basic knowledge and school readiness skills will be the curricular of the Toddler Developmental Group.
學校準備技巧, 基本知識, 遊戲技巧及大小肌肉, 眼手協調能力重要里程跟進
Class Schedule: Monday to Saturday 10:00am - 6:00 pm
Provide the most suitable course and schedule for your children after the free consultation
上課時間 :星期一至六 10:00 am– 6:00 pm